Wednesday, October 29, 2008

continue Chapter 4

[Allen's Post}]
page 53 Honor One Another above Yourselves;

How is it that we, as a body of believers can truly honor one another? How does that look- ? The author I thought made some good points.

In the spring of this year I went to a conference in Philly with New Life Ministries. It was interesting to learn that when God is our lives and helping us identify sin that is causing our relationship to be hindered, it isn't always pleasant. Family disruption can take place, friends can turn on you, the peace in side of ourselves is hidden by the shame and guilt that has been placed on us by Satan, and all of these things; however horrific they are, are part of process of seeing God in all of His glory. When we allow God to help us overcome the obstacles in life that keeps us from that glorifying relationship with Christ we then have a testimony for Christ's working in our lives. To many times we are still not satisfied with that and find ourselves drifting back into the darkness of the sin and lies that have befallen us before. Why? I think that the answer has to do with what the author is talking about- "honor one another above yourself'. We need to be willing to speak of the dark times in life to those around us that are going through the same things. Many times when I have traveled through the darkness I just want to get out and stay out of it but I'm thinking until I reach out to those around me, that God puts in my path, and tells them of my own dark times, they may never be released from it; nor I! Charles Swindoll says, "You can not have a testimony without a test". Well said. If our lives are perfect, like I have tried to live life, then why would I need Christ?

Christ was totally honest with people but He was perfect. He has designed us to be totally honest with people about ourselves and showing how God has created in us the peace that comes from His forgiveness and acceptance.

The 'business' of church is sometimes endangering that type of honesty and relationship because we find ourselves going through the motions of doing and saying what we have always been expected to say or do.

The authors points out on page 54 that we are consumers going to church- what does that church have to offer ME! It is so true that as long as we are consumers within the church will will NEVER- NEVER understanding what Christian community is all about! God help us to understand that and strive to meet the true needs of others!

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