Sunday, November 30, 2008

Chapter 3 - A Soft Place to Fall

Yes - I am behind on my posts and comments. Now that I have unpacked my book from moving offices, I am committed to finishing this book. And what a great book this is!!!

This chapter can be summed up on p.36 -
"In one incredible moment [story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery], Jesus brought together all that God is in his holiness and all that we could be in his grace. When we experience that same mercy from him, we too will be as soft a place for poeple to fall as Jesus was."
Am I a safe place for people to fall? Boy, I sure hope so. This is such an important point for it is the crux of how we relate to people - r we judgmental? r we selfishly protective of ourselves? do we look to our own interests? r we truly transparent with others? r we vulnerable to others?
Only then are we able to connect as a safe haven for people to trust.

p.37 - "Learning to deal with our past is critical to maintaining our friendships and opening up to new ones. Forgiveness and acceptance are the detergents of body life that allow us to live free of the past"
I have to let go of the hurt of my past and deal with it in order to stand alongside others. Interestingly, this is a process, but a journey not taken alone. Forgiveness has been granted to me and therefore I should be able to share it with others.

p.39 - great clarification statement worth mentioning:
"Forgiving and accepting others simply means that we won't hold them accountable to us for their failures but will continue to respond to them with love and grace . . .
We can forgive someone who is abusive without continuing to subject ourselves to that abuse. And our forgiveness does not mean that we should keep silent if that person seeks to hurt others. Nor does our forgivenss absolve people of their responsibility, only of their accountability to us."
How many times do we think that to forgive someone is to let them walk all over us? AND that thought keeps us from forgiveness? I know that I have been guilty of that in the past. But when I truly forgave and let God handle the rest. I walked in knowledge of that hurt as to not be hurt again (i.e. put myself in that position again), but didn't focus on the pain. And God took care of the rest.

p.40-41 - good clarification on the difference between Forgiveness and Reconciliation.

p. 41 - "For the body of Christ to stay relationally healthy, we will need to jump freely and often into the waters of forgiveness"
The word that struck me here was 'often'. Often implies (correctly) that it is a frequent reoccuring action. The opportunity to forgive comes up 'often' and we should do so. From forgiveness flows the water of reconciliation and healing. What great and powerful teaching from the Bible!!

p.43 - the Ministry of Presence
Boy, just being available to so key. I encourage others to do the same - don't worry about what to say, and sometimes don't say anything at all. Just be there, be available.


aLLeN said...

"I have to let go of the hurt of my past and deal with it in order to stand alongside others. Interestingly, this is a process, but a journey not taken alone. Forgiveness has been granted to me and therefore I should be able to share it with others" Great Statement Stephen

Sue DeyNim said...

You know, it's dangerous to post rhetorical questions like these on an open forum. Someone could give you an honest answer.