Saturday, November 8, 2008

Chapter 6 Sharing God's Kindness!

Kindness is a way of doing what isn't able to be spoken at times.

The act of kindness was demonstrated to us by Christ- many times. In the example the book gives it shows that a very small act over time may prove to be more effective than words that hasn't been helpful and sometimes even be more harmful.

page 71- kindness in a selfish age

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless" Mother Theresa

I think back to my childhood and the man that was always kind and happy- his occasional but persistence of kindness made an impression on me. He was different- his kindness wasn't 'for anything' but rather it was just who he was! Later that difference helped me understand that unselfish kindness is a gift from God.

Focusing on needs of others allows us to see how we can be kind thus spreading the graciousness of Christ.

"while greeting and hospitality can open the door to relationships, acts of kindness and sharing can take them much further." It seems to be my tendency to evaluate the greeting and hospitality portion before providing the acts of kindness. That sounds awful when I spell it out but I'm thinking there is a lot of truth to that. Isn't that how we pick and choose our friends; after the greeting and hospitality deciding if we want to pursue the relationship or not; and if so then provide the kindness. ugh! that's not right! but dang it, it seems to be true!

page 72 - breaking the cycle

Some scriptures-
Eph. 4:31 "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice"
I Thes. 5:15 "make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else."

These words from scripture is not words that you would hear outside the realms of Christian circle, and perhaps disappointedly not in many Christian cirlces. It's almost a precursor to being able to be kind- get the crud out of the way so that when we do kind things they are for the right reason.

I believe it is in proverbs that says that bitterness is poison to our soul- makes sense, doesn't it!? I know I have known people that have hung on to things that has done nothing for the situation except cause more hurt and animosity- as a matter of fact I have been there! It seems that Paul is causing us to look at ourselves and rid ourselves of things that could prevent us to being the kind people that we are meant to be.

After ridding ourselves of the bitterness Paul instructs us to do what goes against what we would normally do- be kind! ikes! Being intentionally kind when our nature says to hold a grudge is a way of breaking the cycle- doing what seemingly seems contrary to our nature!

Page 73- Living in Generosity

Of all the words in the world I'm thinking that generosity would not be one that would describe me! Being able to let go of 'things' is difficult for me. The author encourages us to let go and see the needs around us as being opportunities to give to others. He also talks about our generosity being something that can never exceed the generosity of God. Being aware of opportunities to give our stuff away will help us be better prepared to be resourceful with God's gifts to us.

Page 75- You Did it for me

"More than anything else, Jesus said our acts of kindness and sharing reveal the depth of our relationship with him." The tool that we can measure our relationship with Christ is our kindness? He also states that at the end of the day we can measure our love for God by the love and kindness we show to others!

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." "Whenever you did not do for one for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." per Jesus.

Our lives are a reflection of the compassion and kindness that Christ has shown us. How's your reflection? Mine is sometimes tarnished because of my humanly nature to hold grudges. It is my desire to be more keenly aware of the compassion and grace that God has bestowed upon me so that I can and will reciprocate to others those wonderful gifts.

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